All I Want for Mother's Day...

Is a house that stays clean and organized for more than a few hours....

Is an entire day of everyone getting along and loving on eachother....

Are meals, nutritious and ready, served and gobbled up without complaints....

Is quiet...

Is to be served...All. Day. Long...

Is for no one to get hurt, no cries to be heard, no voices raised...

Ah who am I kidding?  A perfect day cannot exist amidst the confines of an imperfect life.  Being a Type A kinda gal this used to bother me.  I longed for the Hallmark type of Mother's Day.  The kind you see on TV.  And then I woke up.  I am certainly not a perfect mother, who am I to expect a perfect day?  Instead, I will wrap myself up in the reality that is my life and embrace the things that make life MINE.

I will be thankful for the messes that remind me of the family I have to love...

I will use the sibling arguments as lessons in patience, long suffering and love without boundaries...

I will thank God for the food in the fridge waiting for hands to prepare it and little mouths to eat it....

I will be lulled into the noise and loudness that makes my home alive...

I will choose to serve my family as if serving God Himself and be honored to do so...

I will tend to the boo-boos and be ready with hugs and kisses for the pains that life brings...

And at the end of the day I will look back and realize that it's exactly all the imperfections of my life that make it all worthwhile.  A smile will emerge as I ponder how God has chosen ME to mother these children and though some days are exasperating the journey is exhilarating and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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